Managing Your Digital Reputation
January 27, 2015 Matt Ramsey

Managing Your Digital Reputation

Posted in Lynne's Tips

Social networking is a key piece of the job search puzzle. Even if you aren’t actively looking for a new job, it is important to take advantage of social media for networking purposes. It’s also important to remember to keep your social media activity professional at all times — you never know when a potential employer or recruiter might be checking you out.Here are a couple tips to keep in mind when it comes to managing your digital reputation:

LinkedIn Matters

LinkedIn is sometimes overlooked when it comes to social networking, but it is the most important social network for job seekers and professionals.

Recruiters use LinkedIn daily to scour the network for potential job candidates — even people who may not be actively looking for a new job. It is also the best platform for networking with others in your industry. After all, you never know when you might actually need to use that network of people to help you find a new job.

Keep your LinkedIn profile up-to-date with your most current resume and professional profile. Spend some time each week connecting and engaging with others in your network. A larger network will benefit you in the long run, so be sure you are continually making new connections on LinkedIn.

Participate in industry-related group discussions and read the news feed for your industry. Not only will you gain more industry knowledge and be exposed to industry news and new ideas; you will also be able to expand your network through LinkedIn groups.

Always remember that what you post on social media will remain a part of your digital footprint forever. Potential employers will look at your online profiles, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and even Instagram. They want to see a professional persona, but they also want to know if the person they are looking at will fit into their particular corporate “family.”

Do some digging through your profile. Be sure that all photos and posts you’ve been tagged in are clean and professional. If you use social media to “vent” about your personal or professional life, make a habit of venting with a pen and paper instead, rather than posting it online for all the world to see.

Organize your Facebook friends into groups, for example, one for friends and family, and another for professional connections. Although you should still keep all your posts professional, Facebook does allow you the opportunity to filter who can see what. This can be set for all posts, or on a post-by-post basis.

Finally, spend some time searching for yourself on Google to find out what is already out there about you. If there are things that need to be deleted (and you are able to access those), delete them.

What a potential employer learns about you online could make it or break it when it comes to getting a new job, so use these tips to manage your digital reputation so it’s always ready to be viewed by a recruiter or future employer.


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