
Working with a Recruiter

SUPERIORHIRE - Dallas Professional Search Firm


Working with a recruiter should be one of several arrows in your quiver of “career advancement.” Not only should you use the services of Professional Search Companies in Dallas for your next career advancement, but you should also remain in contact with them and allow them to become one of your trusted advisors as you advance in your career.

With the advancement of job boards, LinkedIn accounts, and Internet searches and the Artificial Intelligence, these tools have made recruiting and finding candidates easier to locate, but the art of working with a recruiter continues to have roots in old school personal relationship development.

A recruiter who is performing at the top of his or her game will want to know everything about you — not only your work history, but even back to your childhood. Who were your mentors? Who were the influential people in your life and what impact did they have on who you are today? If your recruiter is not interested in these details about you, then they might not be the right person to consider as your trusted adviser.

Here are four tips to help you get the most out of your relationship with your recruiters in Dallas:


Honest and timely communications with your recruiter are of upmost importance. You cannot start a relationship that is based on trust if you can’t communicate honestly and openly with each other both before and after the interviews.


Your recruiter will spend many hours teaching you how to market your best qualities and skills and you owe it to them to prepare properly for interviews and report back immediately right after the interview. At SUPERIORHIRE, we teach our candidates to ask for a private office so they can contact their recruiter and debrief before even leaving the client’s office.

In order to best do our job, we need to know your thoughts about the quality of the interview and the agreed upon next steps before we talk to the client. If, during the interview, some things came up that are a concern to you, immediately following the interview is the time to bring those concerns to the attention of your recruiter so that they can discuss them with the client.


If you are not honest with your recruiter about your past experience, skills, pay history, or your credentials, you are only hurting your job search. It’s also important to be upfront about positions that you don’t feel are a good match with either your skills or the type of work in which you see yourself engaged.


Recruiters are trained to make matches that are the best fit for both the employer/client and the employee/talent. Trust your recruiter to have your best interests in mind and to search for a placement that best suits not only your skill set, but also your personality and career goals. If your recruiter calls you to let you know that the client didn’t choose you, don’t call around the recruiter and call the client directly. This will never lead to anything positive and will jeopardize ongoing relationship development between you and your recruiter.

Recruiters are an excellent resource, but they are only a single part of your overall career advancement strategy. You must also do your part to research prospective employers and prepare for upcoming interviews. Developing an honest, trusting relationship with your recruiter will not only benefit you in your job search, but throughout your career.

If you are looking for a career advancement with your staffing companies in Dallas, apply for a job today through our job portal.